Julia Baker
About me
I have been with Wycliffe Bible Translators here in Yaounde for 21 years. Even though I am not directly involved in language work, I support those who are, by teaching missionary kids (mk's) in high school at Rain Forest International School. The purpose of RFIS is to enable missionary families to continue their God-given assignments in Central Africa, confident that their children's educational needs are being met. Additionally, about 40% of our students are Cameroonian. The most encouraging yet challenging aspects of my work is the area of discipleship. I meet individually with High School girls who desire to grow in their faith, and we study Scripture, seek to apply it to our lives, and pray together.
Prayer requests
That I will remain grounded in Christ through the study of His word and prayer
That my health would remain strong
Our students would experience repeated transition each year
For needed teaching staff each year
For those who are without access to God's word in their mother tongue
Support can be sent to
Wycliffe Bible Translators
PO Box 628200
Orlando, FL 32862-8200
Write "Julia Baker, Acct: 303433" on a separate note
Payable to Wycliffe Bible Translators