Local Outreach
We are united to stop Human Trafficking. Our emphasis is to bring awareness, to educate, and to mobilize Refuge in the battle against this evil.
Email for a list of upcoming events
Ministry Leader: LeeDelle Kasper
Lunch & Prayer
We exist to meet the basic needs of our local homeless community, while at the same time, sharing the love of Jesus.
We provide Bible studies, prayer, fellowship, a hot meal, clothes, shoes, hygiene products, and informational resources for basic needs.
Thursdays 11 am - 1 pm - Courtyard
Chains Be Broken
We’re a local outreach ministry with the mission to reach incarcerated men and women of Orange County with good news.
Ministry Leader: Ted Horvath
The Evangelism Team is a Local Outreach ministry of Refuge. We’re a group with a passion for sharing the gospel with everyone we meet. We offer monthly training sessions and opportunities throughout the week for local evangelism.
Ministry Leader: Eric Stoelting
Food Bank
Donated fresh food goods are available for pick up, free of charge.
In addition, our bread pantry is available throughout the week, with a stock of free fresh bread for whoever needs it.
Mondays and Tuesdays 2-3pm, Lobby
Our goal is to offer a safe place to seek Biblical solutions among people with common struggles. Join us for real discussion as we seek God's direction and the victory that knowing Him brings.
We meet Mondays and Fridays at 7 pm.
Ministry Leader: Chuck Cotrell
Meals Ministry
We understand that people at Refuge come across hard times and life events (such as births, deaths, surgery, illness, and more) and are unable to cook a meal. Our team coordinates to bless those people with hot, home-cooked meals.
For Meal Assistance, contact us below
RefugeLink.com is a website that helps homeless or needy individuals in Orange County find essential services like free meals and healthcare, shelter, or assistance with substance abuse.
Ministry Leader: Scott Nickerson