Blake Richards - Junior High Director
A little about Blake:
Email: [email protected]
Family: Parents: Daniel and Marie Richards. Siblings: Molly and Jordan Uemura, Emily Richards, Dolan, and Caroline Escarcida
Hometown: Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, and raised in Union Kentucky then, Huntington Beach, CA.
Refuge became part of my family… in 2003.
I became a Christian… I grew up in a Christian home, but late Junior High into early High School is when I started taking my faith seriously and truly accepted the Lord.
What is a random task that you do that not many people know about? I assist with Worship and Sound for the JH and HS groups.
The Best Movie is… Gladiator
What is your coffee order? I don’t drink coffee, but my go-to is Chai Tea.
What is your dream vacation spot? Anywhere tropical where I can surf and SCUBA dive. I’ve also always wanted to see the Colosseum.
What book would you recommend to everyone? Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. Or if Fantasy is your cup of tea, The Door Within by Wayne Batson (Lord of the rings esque with strong Christian themes)
Chick-Fil-A or In-n-Out? Chick-Fil-A
City or Country? Countryside
Mountains or Beach? Beach
Book or Movie? Movies
Starbucks or Peet’s? Peet’s
Camping or Hotel? Camping