Gabe Glavinic - Worship Leader
A little about Gabe:
Email:[email protected]
Family: I am one of four siblings.
Hometown: I was born in LA, and grew up here in HB.
Refuge became part of my family… I first came to Refuge as a guest worship leader in June 2023!
What is a random task that you do that not many people know about? I help with a lot of the special events!
I became a Christian…I gave my life to the Lord when I was very little, probably around 5 years old. I grew up going to church & being very involved in ministry and serving on the youth worship team. During a Youth Winter Camp in Junior High, I experienced the Lord in a way I never had & from that point really took my faith as my own.
The Best Movie is… Cars (the original)
What is your coffee order? Pour over or a flat white
What is your dream vacation spot? Tahiti
What book would you recommend to everyone? Praying Like Monks; Living Like Fools - Tyler Staton
Chick-Fil-A or In-n-Out? In-n-Out
City or Country? Country
Mountains or Beach? Beach
Book or Movie? Book
Starbucks or Peet’s? Starbucks
Camping or Hotel? Camping