Joy Welsh - Women’s Ministry Director
A little about Joy:
Email: [email protected]
Family: Married to Pastor Bill Welsh. We have 4 amazing children (all married) Bethany & Geoff Wilson, Shannon & Jessie Quintana, Jeremy & Joanna Welsh, & Starlin & Cooper Adams. We have 8, soon to be 9, grandchildren: Emi & Mia Quintana, Abbi, Taylor & Jack Wilson, Micah, Noah, & Owen Welsh and Baby girl Adams expected the arrive around the end of June 2021. We also have 4 granddogs and a grandcat!
Refuge became part of my family… Well, I am the pastor's wife, so I've been here at Refuge since June 1997 which is the same time that my husband Bill came!
What is a random task that you do that not many people know about? That's between me & God:-)....whatever the Lord tells me to do
(editor’s note: Joy has been a part of many decorating teams at Refuge – for holidays and events. If it looks good at Refuge, Joy probably helped with it!
I became a Christian… Lenore Martin and I worked together. She loved me into the kingdom! I accepted the Lord right after the Sylmar earthquake in February 1971 when Lenore came into work with such peace that I knew I had to have what she has!
The Best Movie is… I can’t think of just one so here are the ones that come to mind… Princess Bride, What about Bob?, The Power of One, Steel Magnolias, I do think, however, that my very favorite is Driving Miss Daisy.
What is your coffee order? Grande drip with a splash of heavy cream
What is your dream vacation spot? Places I’ve never been.
What book would you recommend to everyone? Green Leaf in Drought by Isobel Kuhn
City or Country? City
Mountains or Beach? Mountains
Book or Movie? Movies
Starbucks or Peet’s? Peet’s
Camping or Hotel? Hotel