Geoff Wilson - Senior Pastor
A little about Pastor Geoff:
Email: [email protected]
Family: The Amazing Bethany; Abbi, Taylor & Jack
Hometown: Fountain Valley, CA
Refuge became part of my family… in 2005.
What is a random task that you do that not many people know about? I move 1000's of chairs every year. I have also been known to use the leaf blower on the Refuge patio early on Sunday morning.
I became a Christian… When I was in the 5th grade. The Lord radically changed my life after I graduated from college. He lead me to knowing him and serving Him like never before!
The Best Movie is… Still to be determined
What is your coffee order? Americano
What is your dream vacation spot? An island with warm sand and waves!
What book would you recommend to everyone? Gentle & Lowly by Dane Ortlund; Dangerous Calling by Paul David Trip
Chick-Fil-A or In-n-Out? Chick Fil A
City or Country? City
Mountains or Beach? Beach
Book or Movie? Movies
Starbucks or Peet’s? Peet’s
Camping or Hotel? Hotel